Thursday, October 25, 2012

Strategy Pattern

A manufacturing company produces different products, and they sell it with help of distributors. Manufacturing company and distributor makes agreement like 10% rebate for 1000 products. Rebate claim by distributor can be send to company in the form of files (txt, excel1, excel2, excel3). And claim management system processes these files. 

txt         - process directly
excel1 - 4 columns template
excel2 - 8 columns template
excel3 - 9 columns template

Which GoF pattern is ideal in this scenario?

Solution: Strategy pattern

  • Strategy is a behavioral pattern
  • algorithms can be selected at runtime
  • defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, make them interchangable


Friday, October 5, 2012

Publisher - Subscriber (optimized)

  • Publisher-Subscriber is a messaging pattern. 
  • Publisher is the sender of the message. (PUSH)
  • Publisher does not have to know about the subscribers.
  • Subscribers has the control to subscribe/unsubscribe message


Scenario: There is a publisher and many subscribers (like Printer, Fax, Web server etc). Whenever Publisher gets file, it should notify the subscribers. And subscriber should have the authority to subscribe/not subscribe. How will you design this approach?

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //create publisher
            Publisher p = new Publisher();

            //Create subscribers
            Print pr = new Print(p);
            Fax f = new Fax(p);
            Broadcast b = new Broadcast(p);


            Console.WriteLine("Message: ");
            string s = Console.ReadLine();

            //push message to subscribers


    class Publisher
        public delegate void NotifyDelegate(string message);
        public event NotifyDelegate NotifyMessageToSubscribers;

        public void Publish(string message)

    class Print
        Publisher _publisher;

        public Print(Publisher p)
            _publisher = p;

        public void Subscribe()
            _publisher.NotifyMessageToSubscribers += doPrint;

        public void doPrint(string message)
            Console.WriteLine("Printing: " + message);

    class Fax
        Publisher _publisher;

        public Fax(Publisher p)
            _publisher = p;

        public void Subscribe()
            _publisher.NotifyMessageToSubscribers += doFax;

        public void doFax(string message)
            Console.WriteLine("Faxing: " + message);

    class Broadcast
        Publisher _publisher;

        public Broadcast(Publisher p)
            _publisher = p;

        public void Subscribe()
            _publisher.NotifyMessageToSubscribers += doBroadcast;

        public void doBroadcast(string message)
            Console.WriteLine("Broadcasting: " + message);

Thursday, October 4, 2012

is a and has a relationship

House is a building (inheritance)

House has bathroom (composition)

Publisher - Subscriber

Scenario: There is a publisher and many subscribers (like Printer, Fax, Web server etc). Whenever Publisher gets file, it should notify the subscribers. And subscriber should have the authority to subscribe/not subscribe. How will you design this approach?


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace PublisherSubscriber
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Publisher p = new Publisher();

            Console.WriteLine("Message: ");
            string s = Console.ReadLine();


    class Publisher
        public delegate void NotifyDelegate(string message);
        public event NotifyDelegate NotifyMessageToSubscribers;

        Print p ;
        Fax f ;
        Broadcast b ;

        public Publisher()
             p = new Print(this);
             f = new Fax(this);
             b = new Broadcast(this);

        public void Publish(string message)


    class Print
        Publisher _publisher;

        public Print(Publisher p)
            _publisher = p;

            //Subscribe to publisher event

        public void Subscribe()
            _publisher.NotifyMessageToSubscribers += doPrint;
        public void doPrint(string message)
            Console.WriteLine("Printing: " + message);

    class Fax
        Publisher _publisher;

        public Fax(Publisher p)
            _publisher = p;

            //Subscribe to publisher event

        public void Subscribe()
            _publisher.NotifyMessageToSubscribers += doFax;

        public void doFax(string message)
            Console.WriteLine("Faxing: " + message);

    class Broadcast
        Publisher _publisher;

        public Broadcast(Publisher p)
            _publisher = p;

            //Subscribe to publisher event

        public void Subscribe()
            //Publisher.NotifyMessageToSubscribers += doBroadcast;

        public void doBroadcast(string message)
            Console.WriteLine("Broadcasting: " + message);