Monday, May 12, 2014

Relationships in SQL Server

  • One DeviceClass can have many DeviceTypes
  • Key symbol represent one, infinity symbol represent many
  • Note: You don’t have to have many. 

  • Not as common as One-To-Many
  • Many-To-Many relationship is expressed with help of junction tables
  • A table name with a joint name of two tables

  • Least commonly used relationship
  • One row in one tables is related to, One row in other table

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Is C# a 100% Object Oriented Programming Language?

C# is NOT a pure object oriented programming language. 

Object oriented language should support:
  1. Encapsulation
  2. Polymorphism
  3. Inheritance
  4. All predefined type are objects
  5. All operations performed by sending messages to objects
  6. All user-defined types are objects
C# does not support point#4 & 5. 

In C#, predefined type can be struct. Example: integer > public struct Int32

So C# does not qualify as pure object oriented language.
