Web Jobs are suitable for continuously running jobs. Azure function is not supported or designed for it.
Web job is a supporting mechanism to an existing application. Azure functions can be a supporting application or an application itself.
Web Jobs can have only 2 triggers (Manual or Timer). Azure Functions can have different triggers (Queue, Blob Storage, table storage etc)
Azure functions can be triggered from external events (Example - When message comes to Queue/Bus, New file is uploaded to blob storage etc). Web Jobs cannot do this.
Web job is a supporting mechanism to an existing application. Azure functions can be a supporting application or an application itself.
Web Jobs can have only 2 triggers (Manual or Timer). Azure Functions can have different triggers (Queue, Blob Storage, table storage etc)
Azure functions can be triggered from external events (Example - When message comes to Queue/Bus, New file is uploaded to blob storage etc). Web Jobs cannot do this.