Monday, September 21, 2020

Orchestration and Chorography in Microservices

 Both Orchestration and Choreography are used for Inter Service Communication (ISC) in microservices.

 Example use case - When an order is completed, an invoice should be generated for the order items.


  • One central service controls entire business transactions
  • Its ideal for synchronous Inter Service Communication
  • Tightly coupled - All the integration logic exists in a single Orchestration service (Often called as God object)
  • Easier to Rollback business transaction


Solution: OrderOrchestration service  to invoke OrderService.CompleteOrder() first, followed by Invoiceservice.GenerateInvoice(). Here entire integration logic present at the OrderOrchestrationService.



  • Suited for asynchronous Inter Service Communication
  • Loosely coupled
  • This is implemented using event based architecture (Example: Apache Kafka/Azure Event Hub). Microservices can be configured as both publisher and subscriber of events.
  • Harder to Rollback business transactions


Solution - Order Microservice can publish an OrderCompleted event to Event Hub. An Invoice Microservice can be subscribed to this event and can generate invoice based on the subscribed events.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Cross cutting concerns in Microservices Architecture

 Here's the list of cross cutting concerns/Common platform services:

  1. Logging & Tracing
  2. Exception Handling
  3. Caching
  4. Swagger documentation
  5. Health Check
  6. Dapper
  7. ISC (Inter service communication)
  8. Resilience
  9. Email
  10. KeyVault



Logging & Tracing - Azure Application Insights

Caching - Azure cache for Redis

Swagger - Swashbuckle & ASP.NET Core

Health Check - in ASP.NET Core (HealthStatus.Healthy, Unhealthy, Degraded)

Dapper - Micro ORM for Azure SQL

ISC - Inter service communication  (HttpClient.GetAsync(url))

Resilience - Circuit breaker/polly framework

Email - SendGrind

KeyVault - Azure Key Vault