Thursday, September 6, 2007

UML - Part 1

UML Distilled : A book review
I know that I am deviating from my objective of the technical blog. I have created this blog for discussing about hardcore technical topics, not for just discussing about a book. But I could not stop myself from writing few lines about this fantastic book by Martin Fowler!!

You cannot call yourself a software designer or an architect
if you have not read this book.
~ nidhish ;)
I was a 9th standard student when this book got published for the first time and believe me, I have never seen a computer at that time!! Ten years from then,here I am, doing the review of that best seller :) Software industry is changing so drastically and ten years in a long period, but UML Distilled is still hot!! That made me to write about this special book.

How do you represent the design of a software system?

Well,we all know the answer, its UML (Unified Modelling Langauage). Have you ever thought about how UML emerged?

People were using different methods for representing their design in late 80's and early 90's. There were no standard way to represent design. Different people were using different ways of representing their design, But basically all these methods were similar. Sadly there was no standardization on these methods and which was leading to confusion.

By 1997, Grady,Jim and Ivar worked together and combined all their works under one name : the Unified Modeling Langauge(UML). Now they are known as "three amigos".

Grady Booch - Rational software
Jim Rumbaugh - GE (OMT : Object modeling technique)
Ivar Jacobson - Ericsson (Use Cases)

UML is a modeling language, It is not a method(method contains both modeling language as well as a process). Modeling language uses notations to express design. ie, it helps you to discuss your design with someone.

We will discuss more about the UML Diagrams on the next part of the Blog.

There are thousands of UML books available in the market, and its really hard to find the best one out of it. Thanks to Aslam for suggesting me to go for this fantastic book. The beauty of the book is Martin Fowler worked very close with the "three amigos" for writing this book.


Arun said...

da more than uml diagrams and the way to write em..explain oops conccepts with simple samples..thats whr many get confused..everyone knows abt diagrams..u b unique in ur xplanation...thr'll b 100 of sources explaining abt diagrams bt less abt concepts and basics which is the neucleous.kudos

Gauri Chandran said...

awaiting da nxt part.. as arun said start frm d basics, nd if u r xplaining the diagrams plz be sure to familiarize us with the notations too....