Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Datastructures in .NET

a.       Stack:
·   FILO (first in last out)
·   Push(object o) – insert an object at top of stack
·   POP() – removes object at top of stack
·   Peek() – returns object at top of stack without removing
·   One of the classic examples of stack in .net framework is in memory management of value types.
·   There are non generic collection stack object (System.Collections.Stack) and generic collection stack object (System.Collections.Generic.Stack)

b.      Queue:
·   FIFO
·   Enqueue(object o) – add an object at end of queue
·   Dequeue() – remove object at beginning of queue
·   Peek() - return object at beginning of queue
·   First object entering to the Queue, exits first
·   One of the classic example of queue implementation in MSMQ
·   Queue is used in the highly reliable communication scenarios. Even if the message channel not available, messages are stored in the queue and transmitted once the channel is up.
·   There are non generic collection object (System.Collections.Queue) and generic collection object (System.Collections.Generic. Queue)

c.       Hashtable           
·   Hashtable stores key – value pair
·   Is organized based on the hash code of the key
·   Each element in hashtable is stored as DictionaryEntry object
·   A key cannot be null, but value can be
·   It is a non generic collection System.Collections type
·   Hashtable stores types of object
·   There is a type conversion required every time when we use hashtable

IDictionary, ICollection, IEnumerable, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, ICloneable

d.      Dictionary
·   Dictionary is similar to Hashtable (key-value pair storage)
·   It is a generic collection (System.Collections.Generics)
·   Type of the object to store in the dictionary should specify at compile time
·   Performance wise,  Dictionary is better option that Hashtable
IDictionary, ICollection<KeyValuePair>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair>, IDictionary, ICollection, IEnumerable, ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback

e.      List
·   It is generics collection (System.Collections. Generics)
·   It represents strongly typed list of objects
·   Consider a scenario to store all the employee names of Satyam, then use List
·   No type conversion required hence preferred over ArrayList

IList, ICollection, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable

f.        ArrayList
·   ArrayList is a non generic collection (System.Collections)
·   Size can be dynamically increase
·   ArrayList stores objects
·   Type conversion required every time when use AL
·  This affects the performance

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