Saturday, August 17, 2019

Common Azure Database Migration Issues

Data Migration Assistant helps to assess your on-premise database readiness to migrate to Azure. DMA identifies the compatibility issues and provides the recommendation on alternatives.

Unsupported features:

  1. Windows Authentication is not supported on Azure SQL database
  2. Service Broker feature is not supported Azure SQL database

Compatibility issues:
  1. Deprecated datatypes (TEXT, IMAGE, NTEXT). Alternative varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) 
  2. Table hints in indexed view definitions are ignored in compatibility mode

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Assessing and planning Microsoft Azure Migration

Many of the organizations are planning to migrate workload/applications to cloud.

Fist step is to access the azure readiness of the workload. There are set of tools available for assessment. How do we start?

  1. Azure Migrate
  2. Service Map
  3. Site Recovery

Azure Migrate helps to assess the VMWare VMs in the data center. Currently it doesn't support physical servers.

Site Recovery helps to migrate VMs and physical servers to cloud.

Vertical and Horizontal Scaling

Vertical scaling is known as Scale up.
It is a process of adding resource to increase power of an existing server
Example: Adding CPU or Memory

Horizontal scaling is known as Scale Out.
It is a process of adding more servers.
Example: More than one server will be processing the input request from user

Benefits of moving to cloud

Few of the advantage of using cloud are

  • Cost-Effective: Pay-as-you-go - It is consumption based model. 
  • Scalable: Support both vertical & horizontal scaling
  • Elastic: It is easy to scale in & scale out depending on business need.
  • Reliable: data backup, disaster recovery and data replication
  • Reduced IT workforce - Cloud provider is responsible for maintaining physical hardware.