Friday, May 27, 2011

3.5 ASP .Net Enhancements

-New controls

It has included styling with CSS, flexible pagination, and sorting, inserting, deleting, and updating features.
The ListView is a template driven control which means that it will not render anything. By default, the developer must completely specify the HTML he/she wants to render in the form of templates. To show data in ListView control, you need to take a LayoutTemplate (to define top level of HTML for output rendering). To show data, you need to take ItemTemplate and AlternativeItemTemplate to show alternative row as with different CSS. Here is the example of simple data binding with AlternativeItemTemplate.

The paging functionality for ListView is provided by a new control called DataPager.
The DataPager class is used to page data and to display navigation controls for data-bound controls that implement the IPageableItemContainer interface.


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