Friday, September 4, 2020

Cross cutting concerns in Microservices Architecture

 Here's the list of cross cutting concerns/Common platform services:

  1. Logging & Tracing
  2. Exception Handling
  3. Caching
  4. Swagger documentation
  5. Health Check
  6. Dapper
  7. ISC (Inter service communication)
  8. Resilience
  9. Email
  10. KeyVault



Logging & Tracing - Azure Application Insights

Caching - Azure cache for Redis

Swagger - Swashbuckle & ASP.NET Core

Health Check - in ASP.NET Core (HealthStatus.Healthy, Unhealthy, Degraded)

Dapper - Micro ORM for Azure SQL

ISC - Inter service communication  (HttpClient.GetAsync(url))

Resilience - Circuit breaker/polly framework

Email - SendGrind

KeyVault - Azure Key Vault

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